Just wow! A little Lakes update from me

As a business owner and a leader it is not easy to take time away. When I was a leader in STEM I would make sure I took a couple of holidays abroad, as I found this easier to switch off and not check the emails. I have found it difficult to take time off while setting up and growing my business. My environmental values mean my desire to fly is reduced, and so this past year I have focused on short trips in the UK with plenty of activities. And this time, for the first time, I actually put my out of office on! I at least try to practice what I preach - boundaries are important!

It was my first time visiting the Lakes (shocking I know!) and it was stunning. I mean just look at it!

But this post isn’t just to show off my photos (maybe a little, there are more to come), it’s also to share my recent story of pushing myself and the important of having a team.

A few weeks ago inspired by a fellow coach I decided to set myself a list of things I want to try / achieve before I turn 40. Not super easy or realistic perhaps as I turn 40 at the beginning of January, but it has helped spark some motivation and is a practise I will repeat each year.

On this list was Climb a Mountain and Wild Swim.

Our first night we arrived to the site in Rydal, put the tent up in heavy rain (with thunder in the background) and then made our way over to Rydal water…. the Wild Swim was in sight. I pride myself in being pretty courageous in many aspects of my life but I am an absolute wimp when it comes to water and the cold. My wrists and hands go blue and painful when I swim in the sea (which is rare because honestly I think the sea is dangerous) and I just don’t like being cold. But this is something I have wanted to try for a while, doesn’t everyone keep saying how invigorating it is? So I bought some aqua shoes, grabbed my microfibre towel, and slowly waded into the water. Previous me took well over 5minutes psyching myself up even to get into a swimming pool, but I could hardly do that with my friend waiting for me. So I took a few deep breaths, counted myself down and took my first wild swim strokes. It was EPIC. Yes, bloody cold, but I did it. And I know now I can, and want, to do it again.

Wild Swimming

I have climbed Snowdon a couple of times and enjoy a regular hike, plus I live in Sheffield which is well known for it’s frankly ridiculous hills. But the trek up Scafell Pike was way tougher than I anticipated and involved some aspects of walking that are usually way out of my comfort zone; climbing up the side of a waterfall, rock face scrambling and almost vertical scree- all with little Bella in tow. This pushed me physically and mentally. I very nearly gave up. But I didn’t, we went a VERY difficult route and we made it to the top with fantastic views and only a couple of clouds.

Mountain Climb

I am being completely honest that Chloe from a couple of years ago would not have been able to tick these two items off last week. What has changed?

  • I believe in myself more. And when the thoughts came in telling me not to; telling me to stop; trying to keep me “safe” and in that comfort zone I was able to challenge the thoughts and keep going. I told myself that I was capable. I reassured myself that I had the skills physically and emotionally. I reminded myself that keeping my commitments to myself is further building my trust and self confidence.

  • I leaned on my team mate. Huge thank you to my wonderful friend Jo. She reassured me, I asked her for help (!?) and we celebrated eachother. I have always been fiercely independent, I would refuse people’s hands up, I would never ask for assistance, I would reject compliments. Not anymore. I realised in these moments, and so many moments in the last year, how important it is to have team mates around you; socially and professionally. People who push you to achieve more, to be the person you want to be, who support and challenge you and who celebrate with you too. Thanks again Jo it was a blast, and I am looking forward to many more adventures.

So what can you do?

  • Build up your evidence of how bloody capable you are; this can be mentally, emotionally, physically, relationally.

  • Talk nicer to yourself. This seems so simple and yet so difficult at the same time. Next time you catch yourself with a little doubt in your voice, challenge it.

  • Find yourself some team mates who inspire, support and challenge you. They may already be in your life, they might still be out there to find. We are social animals, not robots. We crave connection and we perform much better when we have a team around us.

  • Celebrate these moments, no matter how small they may seem.

  • Create your own list of what you want to achieve or try, whether it’s as simple as joining a yoga class or as big as

  • Keep your commitments to yourself. Confidence comes from the Latin “confidere” which means to place trust, so part of building self confidence is trusting yourself and doing what you say you will.

As a coach I can be your team mate to challenge and support you to believe in yourself and access the life you want. Ready to find out more? Click the button below for a chat.


This is a little vulnerable but...I'm going to talk menopause


Network Confidence