Let’s work together

How would it feel to be part of a group of like minded people, exploring challenges, sharing ideas and holding eachother accountable?

Within our coaching groups you will be supported and challenged by your group peers and our coach Chloe.

What is it?

Group coaching for small business owners (that includes you solo-preneurs / sole traders) who want to do good for themselves, their people, their business and the wider world. I work with a lot of business owners who tell me that they would love a group setting to focus on their development. But a lot of the group options out there are either too formal and hierarchical, too structured a programme, or too large groups.

That is not what we are looking to achieve here.

When you sign up to a coaching group with Chloe, you will be part of a small team (10people or less) and we will collectively design how we work together.

What would this look like?

If you decide to join you would be involved in deciding what the sessions look and feel like because as a group we will have an initial contracting session where we get to know eachother a little and explore what will work best for our dynamic. This includes how we communicate and what subjects we approach. We might decide to plan out a structured programme, which I will support with exercises, tools and questions. Or we might decide to approach this more fluidly, tackling challenges as they emerge together.

Here’s how it will unfold:

  • After you express interest, I’ll be in touch for a quick chemistry call. In this we can confirm what preferences you have for your group and whether this can be accommodated e.g. industry, business stage, demographic

  • The group will then meet online for an initial kick off contracting session (1hr).

  • Monthly 90minute group coaching sessions (topics /exercises may be pre-set) in person at a location in Sheffield

  • Accountability Whatsapp group with weekly check ins and opportunities to support eachother throughout the month

  • Closing “Party” - We’ll decide how this looks :)

How much does it cost?

To be part of the coaching group the fee is £100 a month per member. This would include the monthly in person coaching session and accountability group, along with access to helpful coaching resources. Members would sign up to 6-12 months as agreed in initial chemistry and contracting calls.

What are the benefits of group coaching?

With groups you don’t only get the support, challenge and expertise of the coach but also each of your peers. It is like holding a huge mirror up to yourself but doing so in a dynamic environment which empowers and supports you to take action. That action might be tangible steps forward for your business, it may be less tangible with a change in mindset and habits. We will be there together to work through it all.

But it is about more than this. I am passionate about creating a supportive network for small business owners in the city and I would love for you to be a part of it.

How do I get involved?

Complete the form below, or drop me an email if that works better for you and I will be in touch - simple!

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